Monday, February 25, 2013

Weekend in Review: Feb. 22-24

Just to tell it straight up, my weekend was not that exciting.  There was however, a glint, a modicum, a twinkle, that women do in fact want to spend time with me.  

What does that mean?  Actually not really that much.  But my mild conversations are an indication that I'm not hopeless.  Dan, no one thought that anyway!  Aw, aren't you so sweet?  That females have engaged me in conversation and vice versa is good.  It's solid footing.  It's like the Scooby-Doo ending at the end of Wayne's World.  Positive things happened, but nothing overly exciting.  

Look, these are just conversations, people.  I'm not sure how much value can be put into typed words or screaming over loud music.  When you're me, though, you have to consider it as movement.  I am building towards something.  These interactions could dry up faster than salted slug, but at least I have been reminded that it's possible.  Just like Kevin Spacey encourages in Pay It Forward.

Friday was nothing as usual.  Saturday was a metal show at a Mexican restaurant.  I know what you're thinking.  Those things go together like lamb and tuna fish.  It was actually a good scene though, if you're into that kind of thing.  The issue at a show like that is the ability to converse.  With anyone.  Between the singers and the spectators there is a lot of yelling.  It's not always so easy to get the feel of the environment when you're engulfed in rage-fueled rock.  (Incidentally, you don't necessarily have to be an angry person to play/enjoy listening to this music.  I very much enjoy it.  But you do have to be a certain breed of person, artistically and emotionally, to be in that kind of band.)

Like I said it's hard to read a situation when you're thoughts and energy are drowned out by thrash metal guitars and drums.  In fact, I can't read a situation if I'm blanketed by silence and I just took the pill from Limitless.  You can imagine how I was on Saturday.  As it turns out, I leave an impression sometimes, no matter how small.  That's a good start.

Then there's Sunday.  Not a day of rest, but a day to bring myself back down to Earth.  Even despite my uplifting midday interactions on the cellular.  As it was Oscar Sunday (and we know how gay I am for awards shows), I had to make sure I saw as many Best Picture nominees as possible.  So I went to the movies by myself on Sunday afternoon.  Yeah, that's right.  By myself.  One step forward and two steps back.  Generally speaking, it doesn't really bother me that I went alone.  It's just the solo movie trip is the $1,000,000 briefcase of single lameness.  Especially when you see Silver Linings Playbook.  And the other 40 people in the theater are boo'd up.  The movie was good, and Jennifer Lawrence deserved the Oscar.  But at no point did they explain how to find the silver lining in a solo trip to the movie theater.  I'm not sure there even is a playbook for that.


  1. Don't you dare act like going to the movies alone is a noob move. It's straight professional. I am, however, confounded by this metal concert in a Mexican restaurant thing. That seems insane.

    1. It sounds so bizarre, Kelaine, but it actually works. There's a whole space and secondary entrance and it's own bar. There's a total following there. I used to go to that place to eat as a kid. Now it's a musical hotspot. Who knew?
