Monday, April 29, 2013

Weekend in Review: April 26 - 28

Anyone who knows me knows that the last weekend in April is dedicated to the NFL draft.  A lot of people watch baseball.  I'm a football nerd who likes to watch the draft.  A lot of my friends do the same.  It's sort of our thing.  It used to be even better when it was Saturday and Sunday.  But since Roger Goodell and the NFL only care about money and ratings, they had to go all prime time on us and start it on Thursday night as well.

Anyway, I won't bore you with the details (though I will say I'm pleased with the picks!).  Saturday evening as the draft was winding down, I went to a friend's birthday party at his condo.  It was a great party and a perfect day.  I saw people I hadn't seen in close to 10 years if not longer.  Crazy.  That's what it's all about though.  Old friends bringing old friends together.  I left there with that warm fuzzy feeling.  Yes, some call it nostalgia.  But it was awesome.

Sunday was money in its own right.  I went on another awesome date.  I seem to be piling them up now that I started a blog about poor dating, don't I?  We went to the lamest museum exhibit ever.  Not because it was a museum exhibit, but because it was a very small museum exhibit.  We went through the whole room in about 3 minutes.  But the exhibit was on the history of mustaches, which is pretty cool.  I just wish there had been more.  There certainly wasn't anything like this:

Anyway, stay tuned.  Who knows, by the time this blog terminates it may be called When Dating in the Real World Goes Right.  Wouldn't that be a change?

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