Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Weekend in Review: April 19 - April 21

This weekend I was up in Hoboken, NJ visiting some female friends.  Whether or not you are dating any of the females you are friends with, it is just nice to be around females and receive attention from them.  I went up last year and we had a good time, so it was time to go up again.

Let me just say: it was a good weekend.  Lots of alcohol, lots of food, lots of fun.  I will say this too: I am a rather hot commodity when I leave the area I'm from.  Maybe it's because I'm a novelty since I won't be around very long.  But people, including women, compliment me and talk to me and laugh at my jokes.  It's bizarre.  I mean, it's awesome but it's bizarre.

Now this is Hoboken I was in.  This is New Jersey.  And a New Jersey city right next to New York City.  It is a different world up there, man.  The women are different, the men are different, the mentality is different.  For starters, everyone is way more forward up there.  Between the dudes and the chicks, everyone is trying to get a piece and no one wastes any time.  Like I'm sure there are games, but everyone seems like they are playing them full throttle as a means to an end or not remotely willing to play games as a means to an end.  It appears to be a vast spectrum of night life hookups.  I have never witnessed so many no-bullshit women deal with men in any one place.  Sure, women are forthright in D.C., but they seem more terse up north.

Part of me thinks it's awesome.  Women putting these doucebags in their place.  But on the other side of it, a lot of the women love these douchelords.  I mean look, I can judge them from afar and make fun of them, but people have their preferences.  That's just the area.  It's faster paced, it's bigger, and there are a lot more people.  A lot more people in general, but also a lot more people making out in the middle of the bar.  I know people exhibit PDA everywhere.  It felt like there was a lot more of it in Hoboken.  Everytime you turned around there were two drunken donks tonguing each other in front of everybody.  Nobody seemed to care.  It was remarkable.

My point is this: it works for me as a visitor, but not as a resident.  I realize that I'm used to the D.C.-metro area.  Obviously I have different experiences than those in the NY/NJ area.  As an outsider, it just looks way too daunting to try and tackle the dating scene up there.  It would be like magnifying the pressure I feel down here by like a billion.  Yikes.  No thanks.  Of course, there's the possibility of meeting someone from that area if the man or woman moves out of their familiar territory and embarks on the unknown somewhere else in the country.  No one would shut down an opportunity to meet someone just because of what they know about the New York dating scene.  I'm simply saying that being immersed in that dating scene sounds like a total nightmare.  Hey, I'll go up and visit for a weekend.  I'll mix it up for the hell of it.  Just not 24/7.  Give me pretentious, over-educated, empowered D.C. anytime.

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