Yeah, now you click to read. I swear it's not an April Fool's Day post.
First let me say I apologize for the lapse in posts last week. There were a lot of things happening that required me to go visit with friends and enjoy adult beverages. So, here we are back for a Weekend in Review.
I would love to find a way to write this in a Game of Thrones context since the premiere of Season 3 was all anybody was watching on Sunday. I just don't think I'm clever enough to write that way in a short amount of time. Just know that one day I would love to write a date analysis with Daenerys Targaryen, but it doesn't look like it's in the cards. Though a date with that bitch Cersei would be a better drama-filled read.
This is what I will say about the outing on Saturday night: it went well. One of the more fun nights I have had in a while. It was a double-date too, which is an awesome concept. Who's the first person who came up with that?
Man, I want to go out with this girl, but holy cow, how will I keep the conversation going? I don't know how the chemistry will be. I wish there was some way to take the pressure off. I know, I'll ask Billy and his girlfriend Margaret to come! It's still an even number of guys and girls and there will be more people to bounce conversation off of. Eureka!
I think everyone just feels more comfortable and freer. Plus, when everyone you are out with is awesome, it is damn near impossible to have a bad time. Not sure it could have gone better. Also, I outdid myself in terms of dressing for the occasion. All those buttons downs have finally paid off. My hair lay upon my head like a brown-gray bed of hibiscus petals.
The end of the night was full of promise. I strongly believe there will be another outing in the near future. I thank those who set it up and those who make any night, date or non-date, a noteworthy experience. I will keep you updated on this journey. It may lead me to the end of Westeros, somewhere near Qarth. Or possibly north to Winterfell. Perhaps even beyond the Wall. Wherever the road shall lead, I am ready to explore. Hell, I might even run into the Mother of Dragons.
(I did get my Game of Thrones references in. Boom!)
hahhaha "My hair lay upon my head like a brown-gray bed of hibiscus petals." What products do you use?!?!