Monday, May 26, 2014

The Death of a Blog

It has been seven months.  A lot has happened in those seven months.  Enough has happened that I can officially put this blog to bed once and for all.  Whaddya say, fearless readers, to one last post for old times sake?

When I started this blog I knew that it probably wouldn't be in my best interest to put my personal business out there on the internet for all the girls to see.  Most women would not want to be the subject of a date analysis.  I understood that should a woman search for me on Facebook, she would be able to see that I blog about how terrible dating is.  In turn, she would likely be a bit put off.  But I didn't care.  This blog was cathartic.  I wrote for me and for the six people who enjoy reading it.  Obviously, I fell off over the last half of a year for a number of reasons.  At this point I feel comfortable to officially terminate the "dating chronicles".

The reason this blog is dead is because my heart is alive.  In fact, it is so spry that I am compelled to pick up and move across America to be with someone.  There is risk.  There is uncertainty.  Those two things will always be a part of every decision I make.  But when it comes to love, I'm willing to throw caution to the wind.  I hate "what-ifs" and second-guessing myself.  I want to live with as few regrets, if any, as possible.  Not doing this would be an exercise in self-pity and questions for the rest of my life.  I'm not going to do that.  I'm going after something, and I feel good about it.  Very good.

What I do not feel good about is leaving the home I have known for 31 years.  I am a creature of habit.  I appreciate familiarity.  Me and change are not life-long friends.  Funny considering we are buddying up for this great adventure.  This is going to be very different and strange and new.  I wouldn't be doing it if I didn't think it was worth it.

I can't say enough about my friends and family on the east side who over the last three weeks have done nothing but wish me well and bestow their smiles upon me because they support my decision.  I have said many times that I have the best friends in the world.  That has been proven out.  I am tearful as I write this because there are just so many memories I wouldn't trade for anything.  Anything.  Tailgates, nights in D.C., drinking fests, concerts.  You name it, and I have a fond memory of it.  I certainly ache thinking about not being able to continue this wild ride with the greatest network of companions a guy could ask for.  You have put up with my bullshit, bad jokes, lack of athleticism, and love of pop music without questioning whether or not I'm worth spending time with.  I have enjoyed soaking in life with all of you.  If there is one thing I felt growing up in MoCo, it's that I've always felt taken care of.  No matter what could happen there was ALWAYS someone to pick me up when I fell down.  There is no way I can ever thank you all enough for being my safety net.  I will be back to visit often, as I hope you will trek west to come visit me.  I love you all so dearly.  Por vida.

Alas, I have a perfect 10 waiting for me and Portland and I have to go.  Somewhere along the way, dating went right, and now I'm smitten.   I've said it was an easy decision but the hardest thing I've ever done.  Leaps of faith are what life is all about.  This is mine.

Thanks for reading over the course of the last couple of years and of course this final installment.  I'm going to cook something up when I get out to Portland so don't fret.  I gotta stay connected!  By the way her name is Janae (that rhymes), and I hope you all get to meet her.  I'm glad I did.  Once again, thank you my fearless readers.  It's been more than real.  I'll catch up with you on the west side.   Tons of love.

1 comment:

  1. i'm picturing the end of Good Will Hunting where this is your last letter, stating you gotta go see about a girl. good luck, medium-sized Dan, and don't become too much of a hippie out there on the left coast
