Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Weekend in Review: May 17 - May 19

This weekend was all about my departure as a resident of Gaithersburg.  At least that's what I think is happening.  New details have developed on that front so who knows where I will end up.  But the point is, I'm supposed to move out June 1st.  The roomies need space to welcome their little one.  I'd say it's time for me to go.

So Friday night I joined up with the only friends that live in Gaithersburg and hit the town.  I ran into some old neighbors, shared a few laughs, and down a few bevvies.  It was quite the Friday in Gaithersburg.  Hoppin' as you might imagine.

Saturday was about catching up on DVR and then going to see Iron Man 3 finally.  That is one superhero franchise that they have not screwed up yet.  I really enjoyed it, and I'm sure that any subsequent superhero movie, Iron Men included, will be on my must-see list.  Nerding out at the movies is the ultimate past time.  Sunday I just went shopping for clothes and lounged around.

Needless to say, there is nothing to speak of on the dating front here.  Yes, the movies would have been a prime opportunity to bring a lady along.  Also, a lady is very useful when shopping for clothes.  Especially in my case.  I can always use a hand when it comes to fashion.  Are jorts back in style yet?

See, this is the problem.  Most activities I do now are already-in-a-relationship kind of activities. Yes, I have my occasional nights out on the town (I don't really include Friday because c'mon, it's Gaithersburg).  I do my single guy things.  But these days it's more about these low-key type scenes.  These are perfect to do with a girlfriend.  Don't get me wrong I still have a good time doing them now.  Nothing wrong with a movie night with your bro.  It just projects a couples setting in the long run.  Maybe its the age I'm at now.  It's how I feel.  Plus, I tend to prefer nights like this compared to ragers, so it seems to drive home the point that you should be doing these things with someone you're hitched to.  Don't worry, I still find my way to the occasional rager.

I will also say that I did get a good idea for another post after going to the cinema.  At some point, be it this week or in the future, I'll explore the dating scene through a Hollywood prism.  How do movies and TV dilute perception about dating?  Man, sounds compelling.  You must be on the edge of your seats.

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